R     R   EEEEE   DD                VVVVVV   AAAAAAA  LLLLLL 
RR   RR  EE   EE  DD                VV  VV   AA       LL   LL
 RR RR   EEEEEEE  DD                VVVVVV   AAAAAAA  LL   LL
  RRR    EE   EE  DDDDDDD           VV VV    AA       LL   LL
   R     EE   EE  DDDDDDD           VV  VV   AAAAAAA  LLLLLL 


       Portfolio | @ValARed | LinkedIn

guest@val.red ~ $ cat val.red/index.html

I break software and hardware. Mostly by accident.


This domain contains an outdated portfolio of previous work. Feel free to ask about more recent happenings on Twitter.

DISCLAIMER: Views expressed here or in any other media under my name are solely my own & do not represent views of any colleagues, clients, or employers (past, present, or future, if you're a time traveler or even if you are just an ordinary human). Thank you!

Feel free to interact with me on Twitter, @ValARed if you would like to contact me about anything!

⁄Val Red


guest@val.red ~ $
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