R     R   EEEEE   DD                VVVVVV   AAAAAAA  LLLLLL 
RR   RR  EE   EE  DD                VV  VV   AA       LL   LL
 RR RR   EEEEEEE  DD                VVVVVV   AAAAAAA  LL   LL
  RRR    EE   EE  DDDDDDD           VV VV    AA       LL   LL
   R     EE   EE  DDDDDDD           VV  VV   AAAAAAA  LLLLLL 


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Val Red is a computer engineer with practical experience in information security, enterprise system administration, and leadership over research and development of emerging technologies in the aforementioned. Drawing from years of experience as a full stack developer, science & technology manager, and program manager, his skillset is versatile.

Education & Certifications: